Humans are rational beings which possess the ability to reason, think and articulate possible actions, motives and decisions. Humans are also emotional beings which create closer relationships to some but not all others. It’s natural for humans to be more partial to family and friends than to strangers. Multiple-Strategies Utilitarianism (MSU) takes into account moral obligations but also tends to the basic nature of humans by recognizing what is in the best interest of everyone alike but also allows for partiality and treatment based on individual deserts (174-178).
The Satere-Mawe is an indigenous Indian tribe located in the Amazon. I first heard of this tribe while watching 'The Venom Hunter' on the Discovery Channel. Within the Satere-Mawe tribe suffering stings from multiple bullet ants is a rite of passage to initiate young males into manhood (Lentz & Nash, n.d.).